#1: Save more for The Rival: The Third Book of the Fey (Fey, No 3) Lowest prices today - Find the best prices

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The Fey series is such a good read! What first got me hooked on fantasy stories and faeries is A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K. Hamilton (BEST book ever). My fave characters in this series are Jewel, Nicholas, Arianna, Gift, and Coulter. The love between Jewel and Nicholas, and (my guess is) between Arianna and Coulter is really poignant. The only reason that I didn't rate this series a five is 'cause the author mercilessly killed off several of the characters I enjoyed--Solanda, Burden, and In particular, look at Ruby Sob down a strong call to the four books I'm reading, and continue printing publishers will be happy!

The Rival: The Third Book of the Fey (Fey, No 3) Overview

Blue Isle, scene of a violent clash between its human native and the magical Fey, has now become the center of attention of the Fey king, Rugad. He is returning to finish the Fey invasion begun years ago but thwarted by the discovery that Blue Islander holy water was fatal to the aggressors. That stalemate has produced a wary coexistence, even intermarriage between royal families of the two races, but Rugad wants only one thing: total domination--and he will stop at nothing to get it

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