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Farland continues to impress with this second volume in the Runelords Saga (now up to eight volumes). By expanding the scope to include more story-lines, BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF has a more epic feel than its predecessor, and while some readers have found it slower, I actually enjoyed it more than The Sum of All Men. With the continued development of the characters and setting, and the addition of some great new elements to the story, this book seems to be where the series really takes off. Like THE SUM OF ALL MEN, this one takes place over only a four day period, but even though I would think that such restrictions would detract from the story, Farland pulls it off masterfully here. Very impressive, him being able to give this story such an epic feel with such a limited time-frame.

BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF picks up the day after the close of the previous book, with Gaborn trying to decide how to deal with Raj Ahten's continued threat. We learn that Gaborn and Iome, and Borensen and Myrimma have quickly gotten hitched, and much of the world seems to be gathering at Sylvarresta to pay homage to the newly christened Earth King. The sense of celebration is short lived as a new threat is introduced in the Darkling Glory, a sort of elemental hunter summoned by Raj Ahten's flameweavers, presumably to seek out and destroy Gaborn. From there, the story branches out into a number of very interesting side stories that introduce some excellent new characters. A Wing Rider named Averen is among the first to witness the invasion by the Reavers, and is charged with a quest to deliver the news to the authorities. Her character promises to become one of the main focal points for the rest of the series as she finds herself helping/being helped by the elemental wylde summoned by Binnesman in book 1. Also of key importance in this book is Raj Ahten's most favored concubine, Saffira, who has been endowed with thousands of women's glamour and voice, and sets out to convince Raj Ahten to end the war by seeking peace with the Earth King. Remarkably well-developed for a secondary character, Saffira is one of my favorite parts of this book. Eventually all of the story-lines come together for an epic battle that takes up about a quarter of the book as the forces of man meet an unstoppable-seeming hoard of reavers (which turn out to be every bit as big and bad as they were sold as being). An awesome and devastating battle, this clash serves to demonstrate the talent of Farland and makes me eager to read more of the series.

There are many great aspects about these books, but what stands out the most is the uniqueness of the setting. Obviously, the endowment system stands out as original, but I also like the elemental magics, which give the elements themselves personalities and desires. You can take it literally when the Earth speaks to a character here. Also, the continued proliferation of strange and well-envisioned creatures makes this book stand out from other epic fantasies. Not just frowth giants, flameweavers, and ferrin; but draaks, reavers, glories, and world-worms populate these pages. I hope Farland can keep up the originality in the rest of the series. He's got a really good thing going here, and I look forward to reading more of it! Highly recommended.

Brotherhood of the Wolf (The Runelords, Book Two) Features

  • ISBN13: 9780812570694
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Brotherhood of the Wolf (The Runelords, Book Two) Overview

Volume Two of The Runelords

Raj Ahtan, ruler of Indhopal, has used enough forcibles to transform himself into the ultimate warrior: The Sum of All Men. Ahtan seeks to bring all of humanity under his rule-destroying anything and anyone that stood in his path, including many friends and allies of young Prince Gaborn Val Orden. But Gaborn has fulfilled a two-thousand-year-old prophecy, becoming the Earth King-a mythic figure who can unleash the forces of the Earth itself.

And now the struggle continues. Gaborn has managed to drive off Raj Ahtan, but Ahtan is far from defeated. Striking at far-flung cities and fortresses and killing dedicates, Ahtan seeks to draw out the Earth King from his seat of power, to crush him. But as they weaken each other's forces in battle, the armies of an ancient and implacable inhuman enemy issue forth from the very bowels of the Earth.

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