Introduction to World of Warcraft.

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World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG on the market right now. But this is just something to be expected from the creators of the single-player versions of the game as well as other massively popular titles such as Diablo and Starcraft. The online incarnation of Warcraft is the fourth title released in the series by Blizzard Entertainment. But it's the first to be an MMORPG. The reasons why this game became a success and will continue to be in the years to come are readily apparent as soon as you enter their universe.

There's only one word to describe the graphics that you are presented with - revolutionary. Environments were intricately made, with attention paid to the tiniest details. Blizzard's development team did very well in designing and programming each race to be unique, with different characteristics for them all. This, coupled with their own distinct culture and section of the world creates an elegant and engrossing environment in which to begin an adventure. Every class, character and piece of equipment has its own unique, innovative design. Actions and emotions are programmed so well, making it a rich experience to play the game. The cities are thoughtfully designed, with each of their parts not only looking unique, but also alive.

Another aspect of World of Warcraft that stands out is the storyline. The story expands on the title's predecessors, drawing from years of lore and continuing forward with it. The plot centers around the epic struggle between the Alliance, consisting of the Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, and Draenei and the Horde, composed of Orcs, Trolls, Undead, Tauren, and Blood Elves. The game throws you into the struggle of these races, all fighting for dominance.

Although the graphics and storyline of World of Warcraft go a long way towards making it the best, the one aspect that pushes it unceasingly forward is its gameplay. A player starts by choosing his or her race, and most importantly, class. There are ten classes in the game, namely: Hunters, Druids, Paladins, Mages, Priests, Shamans, Rogues, Warriors, Warlocks, and Death Knights. The classes are limited to some races, such as Orcs not being allowed to become mages and Dwarves not able to become shaman.

Another thing that is important for you to decide when playing World of Warcraft is the server you'll play on. There are three server types to choose from: Normal, RP or PvP. A Normal server is where you can play to really get a feel for the game. You cannot be attacked by other players without your permission, so you are free to enjoy the storyline to the fullest extent. An RP or Roleplaying server is one where your character's name and actions are expected to follow their race and class. You will be creating a true character on one of these, and expected to act the part. The PvP server is, of course, where you can most freely attack other players. While they're leveling. While they're trying to read a quest. Whether they want you to or not.

Like any other MMORPG, World of Warcraft offers you quests where you will be rewarded with experience, items and money. You are able to acquire a variety of weapons that all have their own, unique ability. The more you advance your character's level, the more advanced your weapons and equipment become. Some are classified as rare items and are, therefore, more difficult to get.

Overall, anyone who is into online games should play World of Warcraft, at least give it try, it will soon find that you are hopelessly immersed in the best MMORPG you've played.

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