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Over the span of my life I have read more books than I can remember and most of them are forgotten, but this one stuck with me. I read it over 3 years ago and can still remember the pull it had on me. I can remember being captivated by this man's journey and by the way NY changed around him. I remember re-reading sections to be sure I got the full gist of the story and finding it difficult to put down at night. I remember the satisfaction and world of thoughts that it caused me to Experience
This book is a unique experience ... It's just that you can read the book before the fire. But you must remember the year. I suggest - do not expect that one night ... through the compression of
Forever: A Novel Overview
This widely praised bestseller is the magical, epic tale of an extraordinary man who arrives in New York in 1740 and remains...forever. Through the eyes of young Cormac O'Connor--granted immortality as long as he never leaves the island of Manhattan--we watch New York grow from a tiny settlement on the tip of an untamed wilderness to the thriving metropolis of today. And through Cormac's remarkable adventures in both love and war, we come to know all the city's buried secrets--the way it has been shaped by greed, race, and waves of immigration, by the unleashing of enormous human energies, and, above all, by hope.
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