Boss XIII Final Fantasy - 07 '"] HD [Bulbasaur.

วันพุธที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553 § 0

Video recorded by Master LL in HD! ( ) [ Final Fantasy XIII ] Boss 07 "Bulbasaur" ** WILL CONTAIN FULL SPOILERS!! ** ** WAIT FOR HD QUALITY!! ** Recorded from and during live streaming http It might be the end of streaming.. not sure yet. Why? The Boss #05-07 recording was somewhat corrupted as you'll see some parts got "skipped", not sure why or how it happens since I don't think Boss #01-04 had any of those skipping problems. or maybe I'll stream just going around then shut down streaming to record boss battles.. that can work too (at least it'll be much more safer and I know it won't be corrupted). Or maybe I can even get a cheap webcam or something that can "direct feed" off what my monitor shows, it could save the cpu power so I can record while playing (probably less laggy too.. but we'll see). Because I use: - VHscreencap to "capture" what I see on my monitor - Adobe Flash Media Encoder to encode for streaming (required) - ArcSoft Viewer which is what I use To view and save the (necessary) are the three that eat my CPU 100% .. if I can find a way to "catch up" to the other --------------- CPU free. --- System: PS3 - EN first game in the form of WMV HD, a bit rate of 8.0Mbps, 1280x720, 30 fps, codec WMV7.

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