Acacia - Sort war with Debiddoansonidaramu

วันพุธที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554 § 0

"Acacia: The War with the Mein" by David Anthony Durham blew me away! It delivers everything readers want in a great fantasy - intrigue, betrayal, great battles and romance. The mythic world is fascinating, with detailed politics, religion and characters diverse in race. Don't expect dungeons and dragons, there's only a small amount of magic and sorcery. Durham is a historical novelist and a master storyteller who's re-invented the epic.

Leodan Akaran is king, ruling Known to the world of idyllic islands of acacia. He dotes he is a widower with four children. Aliver is heir. Dariel, the two sisters 2, Corinn, Menahem great beauty is the quiet one of the youngest. Leodan, some dark secret to hide from it. Prosperity of his dynasty, drug trafficking depends on the slave. Moreover, he was addicted to fear that he would like to put an end to prevent it from him a powerful force.

MainRace frozen northern exile Leodan Ino Takeshi's assassin to kill you. His empire also in a surprise attack. Leodan but dead, so he put the motion to escape the children. Acacia, the prime minister to die Leodan hidden children of the royal family. They were forced to flee in different directions on charges of betrayal of their lives in great danger. Brother, everybody else has no idea that they will all have a desire to revengeAcacian father's death the empire back.

The plot is fascinating back story of the beautiful and historic, sometimes laced with a cruel and violent, that is multilayered structures. Rikoruhannibaru vivid scenes of war to lead the Carthaginians crossed the Alps. The property is perfect. Lead is a diverse ethnic conflict, the characters are all good things and not all evil. The story is told from various perspectives, readers get a good ideawhat each character is thinking. The twists and turns are stunning. Durham doesn't let you get too comfortable. Characters you expect to span the trilogy will die while others grow in unexpected ways.

The book concluded in a satisfying way and yet I'm still hungry for more. I can't wait to read book two. Acacia is a timeless tale and a brilliant beginning to a new series.

Publisher: Doubleday (June 2007)

ISBN: 978-0-385-50606-9

Pages: 592

Price: $26.95

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