#1: best deal The Children of Wrath: The Renshai Chronicles, Volume 3 - Find The Lowest Price Today! - Market

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I love the story. I was sooo happy when I finally got my hands on this book. It's mainly more about family than the beginning of the trilogy which has more action, I think. But it's still good and I enjoyed it very much. I love Ra-khir and Kevral and Tae too, and I think Saviar and Subikahn are very cute. I hope there'll be continuation of the story. I would LOVE to read more of Ra-khir, Kevral, Tae, Matrinka, Darris, and all their children. All of them! ^o^

The Children of Wrath: The Renshai Chronicles, Volume 3 Overview

The Pica Stone, which could prove the salvation of the elves has been shattered, most of its shards scattered on plains other than where mankind dwells. And it is up to Kevral, Darris, Ra-khir, Tae, and their fellow adventurers to journey to these different realms in hopes of recovering the shards. Yet even as they undertake their quest, Colbey and Odin have begun a final struggle, a new war of the gods which will determine the fate of the mortal world.

Praise for Beyond Ragnarok: Volume One Of The Renshai Chronicles:

"Readers looking for a good rousing tale of high fantasy can skip over Terry Brooks and David Eddings and sink their imaginations into Mickey Zucker Reichert's Beyond Ragnarok." --The South Bend Tribune

"Reichert has taken Norse mythology and expanded upon it without losing the feet of the original in order to create a fantastic world which she has peopled with characters that are larger than life but believable, a major achievement in itself. It's certainly her most ambitious and satisfying work to date." --Science Fiction Chronicle

"Her writing is altogether magnificent. The tangled interrelationships, including a tangled romance, are as fascinating as he enthusiastic descriptions of bloody, bloody battles. Her mastery of military matters is quite incredible. This first volume of The Renshai Chronicles is a must." --KLIATT

"...just perfect for fantasy quest fans to lose themselves in...a delightful fantasy, featuring sympathetic characters, magical battles galore, edge-of-seat suspense, and truly impressive world-building." --VOYA

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