ღ I'm Permanent ღ For Steph ღ

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553 § 0

-*-READ FIRST-*- THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY RELATED TO THE GAME COMPANY OR SONG ARTIST. STEPH! I hope you remembered our SECOND anniversary! ;D Yes folks I married Steph not XD It's our second anniversary as best friends although I feel like I've known her longer than that Oo By the way, SUBSCRIBE TO HER! OR ELSE! www.youtube.com Anyways I do not regret that fateful day on Quizilla.com when I decided to say hi :) It was a boring December in 2007 and I was reading your Kingdom Hearts stories and they were seriously epic so I decided to be friends with you so some of your epicness would rub off on me :3 I don't know if it did or not but now, I don't really care if I become epic as long as you can stay my best friend. Haha it was also a pretty freaky coincidence when I figured out that you make videos as well! So we became writing buddies and editing buddies. I can also tell you anything you may space out quite a bit on msn but that's what makes you Steph 8D You're also one of the only people I can talk to for hours and not get bored x3 So I love you, Stephy! And always remember: I'm permanent :D Okay! Enough cheesiness XD Well, I tried to make you a longer video than this but the song was already short to begin with and I got bored of it after a while so I cut it )= I just didn't want any part of it to be made by my laziness and not by me so here you have this crappy little video. Sorry it's not longer but I will probably make you an awesomer one later ...


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